What we offer

The Service

We offer hourly sessions of 1-1 coaching in:

Music Business


Making decisions

Marketing Solutions

Get your name EVERYWHERE

Think 5 years ahead

Plan your next summer

And already leverage those plans for the summer afterwards

Prices are starting from 30€ for a session

Think Business

Train your brain on how to keep on doing music and earning money, and developing your project.

The Pigeoning Wings

The wind of life is blowing on us all.
The difference is which sail we are setting.

We teach you to strengthen your wings and that will serve you in your adventure

We don’t offer

Any legal advice, 100% working results

The Results

“When I booked concerts with those photos, I improved my chances in 25% to get booked”

Joana Carvalhas

“Using the photos for promotions, and I am fully booked as a drum teacher”

João Tomás Pocinho