Joana Carvalhas - 25% Increase In Booking

25% Increase In Orders And 15% Increase In Sales Within 30 Days

The Process

Joana Carvalhas (Aka The Tiny Musician) is a versatile violinist, composer, educator, who is touring around the world.

After a quick call we aligned our visions, we came up with a plan to create elegant photos that will grab attention and level up the game.

In that shooting we tried 3 outfits, with every combination we could think of, had a lot of fun and we both were surprised how good the photos look!

In 2 years we made 3 photos shootings, and the photos were heavily used to promote concerts, live events, contacting clubs and getting more attention.

The Result

Since we starting work together, booking went up 25%, and total following on social medias went up 15% a year.

We won an award winning photo

Better Conditions is a family-owned CBD company focused on helping people feel better. They have fantastic products but needed some consistent creative across their website to build their brand identity.

After a quick onboarding, we came up with a plan to create a consistent set of modern, attention-grabbing photos for Better Conditions to use across their website. We included individual and group photos of the packaging and the CBD products themselves so that consumers would know exactly what they were getting.

The Results

After they put up the new product photography, sales went up 6% and total orders went up 8% the 30 days following.


Matan Goldstein